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In Acts 1:8, Jesus says to His disciples, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Now the cities and areas of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria might not mean to much to us living here in Walkertown, but Jesus was giving the disciples a plan of sorts for spreading the gospel message everywhere.
Jerusalem was their Walkertown; it was their home base and where they started. As important as it was for the disciples to proclaim the good news in Jerusalem, they weren't supposed to stop there. The good news of Jesus wasn't just for the Jews in Jerusalem; it was for the entire world. As some of the disciples moved out of Jerusalem they would be in the regions of Judea and Samaria. They would encounter Gentiles (non-Jews) who were not like them, but who needed to hear the good news of Jesus. But Jesus didn't want them to stop spreading the gospel message a couple hundred miles outside of Jerusalem; He wanted them to reach the farthest places in the world.
Fast forward almost 2000 years: our mission as followers of Christ hasn't changed. Wherever we are located, God has called the church to carry out His mission all over the world. For us that mission begins in Walkertown. We believe that God has called us to serve the community of Walkertown through acts of service and the proclamation of the good news of Jesus. But we also recognize that many of members live in surrounding towns and cities. We want our members to see themselves as missionaries wherever they are; to be witnesses to what God has done in them. We voluntarily partner with the Pilot Mountain Baptist Association to impact Walkertown and the surrounding communities for the cause of Christ. We are also excited about opportunities to serve communities all over our state and nation.

Dominican Republic

WFBC is partnering with churches and missionaries in the Dominican Republic for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission. Our goal is to learn from Dominican Christians, pastors, and churches and to serve them as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We desire to Pray, Give, and Go. 

   2017 Dominican Republic Mission Trip - July 22-29

If you would be interested in partnering with us in the Dominican Republic in 2017, please contact Pastor Philip at

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