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Man Walking in Fields

Join us each week for
Sunday morning worship


GBC has numerous ministries that seek to help us grow as Christians and to give us opportunities to serve one another and our community. Our aim as a church is to make disciples that make disciples that make disciples. Because we believe making disciples is what God has called us to, each of our ministries helps us to grow believers to maturity of faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus. If you would like to receive more information about a particular ministry or speak with a ministry leader, please contact us!

We want our services to be gospel-centered, Word-centered, and Christ-centered. When we gather together to worship, we seek to glorify God through prayer, music, and the preaching of the Word. We come together on Sunday and Wednesday to celebrate the good news of Jesus together. Everything we do in our gatherings focus on Jesus, the Word of God, and what the Word teaches us about who we are as the Church.

Sunday Morning Bible Studies

Our Sunday Morning Bible Studies are important to our church.  We begin our studies at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings. Our SMBS allow our church family to study God's Word together and to connect on a deeper level with one another. Classes are able to study the Bible in an environment that encourages discussion and promotes growth. SMBS allow for guests and newer members to connect with others in a small group setting.

We currently have classes for all ages, birth to adult, with different classes available for adults. The class locations are as follow:

Birth-5th Grade -- Basement Floor of the fellowship hall

Student -- Upstairs Room above the sanctuary (look for the "Fusion Youth banner!!)

C3 Class (everyone is welcome young adults to senior) - Fellowship Hall

Open Bible (everyone is welcome young adults to senior) - held in the sanctuary

Senior Adult - Choir room located on the right hall way leading into the sanctuary

children's Ministries

We love when families are able to worship together. But, we understand that it can be difficult with smaller children. We currently have a nursery (birth to 3 years old) and Kid's Worship (4 years old to 4th grade) available in our fellowship hall for families during our services on Sunday and Wednesday.

Gospel Kids


Children are a gift from the Lord and we take our responsibility to care for

children and to teach them about Jesus seriously. Our children's ministry is called Gospel Kids because we want our kids to love and live out the gospel. At GBC, we desire to partner with parents to raise kids that love Jesus and give their lives to serve Him. Gospel Kids is for ages birth to 5th grade.

We are always looking for men and women to help us in our Gospel Kids ministry. If you would be interested in learning more about our Gospel Kids ministry and how you might be able to help, contact Paige Birchfield at 336.403.8697

Gospel Kids.jpg
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Sunday School hour is an opportunity for our children to learn the basics of the Bible. We currently have classes for ages birth-5th grade. Our Sunday School classes are held in the basement level of our fellowship hall.
Gospel Kid's offers a time of worship during our morning worship service. Gospel Kid's is held in our fellowship hall. Kids will sing, play, and worship. It is for ages birth-3rd grade.
Kid's Worship
11:00 AM
wednesday night
7:00 pM
On Wednesday nights, our Gospel Kid's ministry meets for games, crafts, music, and Bible study in our fellowship hall. Wednesday nights are for ages birth-5th grade.

student Ministries

Being a student is not easy. With each passing year, it seems that being a teenager comes with more responsibility, more pressure, and more stress. Our student ministry at GBC is designed to help middle and high school students navigate the successes and struggles of life. 

College Friends
Our student ministry, also known as Fusion Youth, currently meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the room above the sanctuary (look for the steps with the FUSION YOUTH banner)!  Also, our group meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm in the same area. Our youth ministry also loves to have fun and serve the community.

We desire our student ministry to be a disciple-making factory. We want our youth to reach unbelievers with the gospel, grow youth in their faith, and send our youth out to make more disciples. Reach, Grow, and Send are essential aspects of our student ministry.


 As a student ministry, it is our responsibility to equip our youth to share the good news of Jesus with others. We also want to give our students opportunities to invite other students to be a part of GBC and hear the gospel message. We want our youth to REACH others with the transforming message of the gospel.

Students on Staircase
Germinated Plant


 At GBC, we believe our students are a vital part of the church. We want to invest in our youth and help them to GROW in their faith. Through bible study, mentoring, connecting youth with one another and opportunities to serve, we strive to help our students grow into maturity.


An essential part of making disciples is "going." As our students grow in their faith, we want to SEND them out into the world to serve others and proclaim the gospel. We want out students to engage their homes, schools, and neighborhoods with the gospel.  

Smiling students
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