Student Ministry

Being a student is not easy. With each passing year, it seems
that being a teenager comes with more responsibility, more
pressure, and more stress. Our student ministry at GBC is
designed to help middle and high school students navigate the successes and struggles of life.
Our student ministry, also known as Fusion Youth, currently meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the room above the sanctuary (look for the steps with the FUSION YOUTH banner)! Also, our group meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm in the same area. Our youth ministry also loves to have fun and serve the community. Any special events will be found on our Upcoming Events page.
We desire our student ministry to be a disciple-making factory. We want our youth to reach unbelievers with the gospel, grow youth in their faith, and send our youth out to make more disciples. Reach, Grow, and Send are essential aspects of our student ministry. Our Student Ministry leaders, Tanner and Jessie Williams can be reached at 336.407.5998
As a student ministry, it is our responsibility to equip our youth to share the good news of Jesus with others. We also want to give our students opportunities to invite other students to be a part of GBC and hear the gospel message. We want our youth to REACH others with the transforming message of the gospel.


At GBC, we believe our students are a vital part of the church. We want to invest in our youth and help them to GROW in their faith. Through bible study, mentoring, connecting youth with one another and opportunities to serve, we strive to help our students grow into maturity.
An essential part of making disciples is "going." As our students grow in their faith, we want to SEND them out into the world to serve others and proclaim the gospel. We want out students to engage their homes, schools, and neighborhoods with the gospel.